Key benefits?
- Provides immediate feedback on any poor surveys
- Helps analysis to understand the top three problem areas
- The form provides immediate feedback on each install problem areas
- Great tool to provide feedback to your suppliers on failure items
- Helps line manager's understand who is at fault for job delays
- Helps line managers understand if the engineer's safety is at risk
Who would use it?
- Engineer
- Apprentice
- Lead Engineer
- Quality Control Engineer
What is it?
The 'Engineer Feedback Form' is a 2 sided document for assisting business owners or line managers understand from an engineers perspective the problems they are experiencing affecting the install.
When would you use it?
Lots of company's ensure the form is attached to every engineer's job sheet. This enables them to understand any problem areas affecting their teams and resolve issues almost immediately when the paperwork returns. Other company's take advantage of the forms when they are experiencing problems and want to gauge the frequency; if they canvass various opinions they can make a more accurate call what to change to resolve the issue.
Why would you use it?
You would use the 'Engineer Feedback Form' as a regular 'Voice of the engineer' tool to ensure the business is where you think it should be as regards the survey and installation process. It has to be said that although this is a simple form, it has proved to highlight major floors with company install systems which overall impact on engineer performance. More importantly, installation profit margins reduce through job over-runs and down time whilst installers re-visit the merchants due to poor surveys; this is a quick and effective tool when given the required focus and analysis.
Additional Information
Many companies have made the decision to make the 'Engineer Feedback Form' a standard issue so engineers can send them back with every completed installation. In doing this, problems are highlighted quicker and analysis can take place at a rate dictated by the management team for a swifter number count of failure items. This a very good prompt to enable a manager to take action prior to issues escalating across the whole team, especially from a poor survey perspective.
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